Picture of Understanding Wine Technology
Understanding Wine Technology
Bird David
May 2011 |
Pages :  


Any student who has ever logged credits in a viticulture and enology class knows David Bird's book: it is the most widely assigned wine science primer in the English-speaking world. This completely revised and updated edition to Bird's classic textbook deciphers all the new scientific advances from the last several years, and conveys them in his typically clear and plainspoken style that renders even the densest subject matter freshman friendly. The new material includes an e ..Read more

Author Bio
David Bird is trained as an analytical chemist and in 1981 became a Master of Wine and a Chartered Chemist. He specializes in quality assurance techniques, such as ISO 9000 and HACCP, and has been involved with wine activities and education in France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, China, Algeria, Australia, Scotland, Ireland, and England. DAVID BIRD trained as an analytical chemist and entered ..Read more