Grapevine Pruning Manual for the Prevention of Trunk Disease
Dal François
May 2022 |
Product Type : Ebooks
Pages :  


In 2008 François Dal, with his colleagues at the renowned enological lab SICAVAC* in Sancerre, published their groundbreaking research on the cause of vine trunk disease. Pruning practice, it turns out, not fungal infection, was the culprit of necrosis. After a decade of experimentation and further research Dal and the SICAVAC released, in French, a vineyard manual based on its findings. Grapevine Pruning Manual for the Prevention of Trunk Disease is the translation of this s ..Read more

Author Bio
Since 2002, François Dal has been the lead researcher and consultant in viticulture at SICAVAC. He is recognized as one of the most influential agronomists in the field and travels the world sharing his research and teaching his vineyard-saving techniques. *SICAVAC (Service interprofessionnel de conseil agronomique, de vinification et d’analyses du Centre) is an enological lab and viticulture research and consulting firm for the Centre-Loire winegrowers. SICAVAC works with the w ..Read more